Kesha: "My body is not your business.”
Kesha has decided to stand up against online “body shamers” by defending some of her own Instagram photos. The 29-year-old singer does not take well to comments from users who dislike said pictures, leading to unfavorable name-calling on their part.
“I see that you would very much like me to know that you think I’m ugly and also a ‘w—-,’” she wrote. “Well, I understand that is your opinion but I disagree. I’m not perfect but I’m pretty f—— magical,” Kesha continued to write. “And also, I am not, in fact a w—-.”
In another shot from a few months ago, Kesha had also defended her looks with, “Not a slave to perfection right now. Body shamers please f— off. Ain’t nobody got time for it.”
The artist also reminded the opinionated person that such comments can affect those with an eating disorder.
She wrote, “Bullying someone who has struggled publicly with body issues is pretty mean. Thank god I’m in a place in my life where I feel empowered to address your nasty comments instead of letting them destroy me. On behalf of anyone anywhere who struggles with body image, STOP IT. My body is not your business.”
Th singer spoke about her life recently following an eating disorder. “I’m trying to embrace the skin I’m in. It’s difficult sometimes. Every day I have to look in the mirror and make the choice to be kind to myself. This is who I am – I have to love that.”
She was treated for anorexia and bulimia in March 2014.
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