![Schizophrenia: Why it’s so incredibly scary [VIDEO]](http://www.worldtechtoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Depressed-man.jpg)
A new study gives hope to schizophrenia sufferers.
Scientists have just made a big breakthrough in our understanding of schizophrenia that could lead to important new treatments and hopefully even a cure, as we recently reported — and considering the amount of suffering that schizophrenic people go through on a daily basis, that’s no small thing.
Scientists in the United Kingdom and China used Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to compare the brain tissue in those with schizophrenia and those without it, and discovered that the brain continually tries to regenerate itself, providing major hope of a potential effective treatment or even a cure down the line.
As you can see from the video below, there are few things more terrifying and disabling than living with this illness.
Schizophrenia is a disorder that makes it hard to distinguish between fantasy and reality. People with schizophrenia often hear voices and noises, or they see things that aren’t there.
This is a terrifying false reality for people. These voices will speak in strange and confusing ways, and urge the hearer to avoid people or it will stoke fears of paranoia. It may even urge self-harm or harming others. Normal life is nearly impossible for those with untreated schizophrenia, and many either withdraw entirely from the outside world or they behave in erratic ways, or both.
Treatment options are available, and people with schizophrenia are able to manage the illness with a combination of therapy, support, and medication.
Up until now, medication has focused on preventing brain tissue loss, but this new treatment could offer a way out if scientists are able to harness it.
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