The artist then lashed at negative comments from followers.
Pink has never had a problem speaking or writing about what’s on her mind. When the rocker found out hackers had broken into her Instagram account, she posted quite a rant.
“To the a**holes that just hacked my private IG account…. Your parents must be really proud of you. That’s your contribution to the world? (sic)”
Some fans were not sympathetic, however, posting messages such as, “lmao it’s not the end of the world get over it.” Pink quickly replied, writing, “I don’t remember asking you.”
The comments continued on. Another user wrote, “too bad… Cuz you floped (sic)” Pink responded, “I’m sorry? TROLLS, your insults go a lot further if you can manage to spell it out properly. You’re welcome.(sic)”
Needless to say, the exchange continued and Pink eventually stopped responding.
“Welp, I do love the socks off of most of you. The rest of you unhappy f***ers? Good luck with all of that. And I’m out.(sic)” she said before disengaging.
The artist recently recanted her harsh words against Prince when she first made it big in the music business. She also put an end to ongoing issues with Christina Aguilera.
She admitted to be a fan of Aguilera’s music and followed with, “Her and I have had history and it hasn’t always been wonderful. I think it just took us 15 years and I feel like there was true love and it felt really good. I love when you’re around long enough to have a full circle moment and that was a full circle moment for me because in all honesty, I’m a fan of hers. It was just a really refreshing, nice visit.”
The user that broke into Pink’s account is currently unknown.
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