Sources say the 57-year-old singer was addicted to the substance following severe hip pain.
The Associated Press reported Thursday that Prince had died of an opioid overdose. After an extensive investigation, many speculated that the 57-year-old writer, producer and singer had an addiction to the substance. The information came from a law enforcement official that is close to the investigation.
Shortly after said information became public, The Midwest Medical Examiner’s Office released the results. It is listed as “fentanyl toxicity” and an accidental overdose. The National Institution for Drug Abuse lists fentanyl as a “powerful synthetic opiate analgesic similar to, but more potent than morphine. It is typically used to treat patients with severe pain, or to manage pain after surgery.”
A more thorough analysis of Prince’s death started after officials found opioids in his possession at the time of his death. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration then became involved, interviewing Prince’s doctors and inner-circle regarding his use and prescriptions written for him.
Since his death on April, an outpouring of love and tributes to the singer have been shown throughout the nation. Those closest to him said he suffered severe pain in his hips due to his extravagant dance moves in high heels, leading to the use of opioids.
News surrounding the late singer have come in all shapes and form. In early May, Sinead O’Connor accused Arsenio Hall of being Prince’s drug supplier. O’Connor then went temporarily missing while riding her bike in Chicago, but was later found — making some wonder if the singer was merely trying to draw attention. There is currently no record of her recanting her accusation against Hall.
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