The wait for the result is over as the results for the IBPS CWE i.e. common written exam is finally declared online and available for the applicants.
The exam was held in Dec on 6thand 24th 2014 for filling up the clerical positions. The exam is a mass level national exam which has millions of entrants from the nation.
There are many students who fill up the form and appear for this exam. The website may be running slow as there are many students who may be checking the results in a single go.
It is here by requested that the students should be controlling their anxiety and wait for the result. The result for 2014 should be in their favor if they have really worked hard and prepared for the exam in the right manner and order.
The candidates will have to click on the official link of IBPS and check the result for their CWE clerical cadre.
The candidates who are successfully selected will be moving forward for further round of screening before their successful appointment.
These student applicants are selected on the base of their performance in written examination for further levels. Check the IPBS results here.
The successful candidates will have to appear for a round of interview in February 2015 and its results shall be declared in April 2015.
This will be the final result and ones who successfully qualify both the written and the interview will be appointed respectively with a written confirmation letter from the respective banks.