A leaked image suggests that Microsoft will soon be launching a Nokia Lumia Android Smartphone carrying both brand names. A step away from Windows Phone?
If Nokia’s decision to out an Android Smartphone some time ago took you by surprise, chances are this’ll come as quite the shocker.
There’s another Android Lumia device in the pipeline that will carry both the Nokia and Microsoft brandings.
For Microsoft to put its name and its logo to an Android Smartphone is a bit like Google coming up with a new Nexus device and shipping it with Windows Phone 8.1 out of the box. Or at least it would be, were it not for the fact that Redmond’s WP operating system continues to struggle while iOS and Android devour the world in its entirety.
Tip-offs from @evleaks tend to be about as credible as they come, so even though it’s a bit of an outlandish idea in more than one respect, we’re inclined to believe it could actually happen. And if it does, it could represent a pretty colossal statement of both support and intent from Microsoft and its new Nokia plaything.
It’s long been suggested that the way forward for Nokia was and is to embrace Android. For well over three years now, Nokia Lumia handsets have been blowing critics away with their enormous power, painfully pretty looks and always-agreeable price tags. As such, the fact that in most cases sales have been pretty paltry has to come down to nothing more than the range’s choice of operating systems…i.e. Windows Phone.
Not that it’s of an real use to think about now, but if Nokia was to have moved to Android in 2011 and slapped Google’s OS on every one of its highest-end Lumia Smartphones ever since, it’s entirely plausible that the sale to Microsoft would never have happened.